The Poetry Distillery is The Poetry Barn’s literary journal. Established in 2018, we harvest a diverse sampling of some the most exciting poems generated in our community, working closely with our authors to distill their poems to perfection as an extension of the workshop process.

Alpha Lineage

A burst. Midwife journeys to

gate of pink parted sea.

Bronzed angel swims out of

my mother’s belly. My baby sister’s

cradled in her arms.

Mesh of scented

placenta afresh on my sister’s skin.

A squinted glance is shared,

my mother breast feeds.

Now, soon to give birth, I grab scissors

to cut my sister’s wavy black hair. I rub

her pregnant belly with rose oil.

She radiates like when

my mother gave birth to her.

In her birthing room

the midwife calls

time of birth. She cuts

umbilical cord

of my niece.

My sister cradles her.

Jerrice J. Baptiste is Poet, Author, Facilitator, Founder of Authentic Poetry in NY. She finds peace & joy in creating sacred space with guided meditation, poetry, dance, music for self-expression of all ages and various abilities. She values joy & gratitude as part of her daily practice. 

Whitehall Lake

While lawyers argue