Call for Submissions


June 29, 2020

In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis and Black Lives Matter protests, we are compiling an e-chapbook/anthology that witnesses and wrestles with their issues and intersections. Think breath, sacrifice communities, isolation, anger, uprising, fear, grief, violence, mortality, social-consciousness-raising, and/or unexpected beauty and joy.

The issue will feature both poems and photography and launch in Autumn 2020.


  • Up to three poems (no more than three pages) in .doc or .docx format, 12pt font attached to your email. Please be sure to include your name and email address at the top of the document. Please also include your last name in the document’s title as follows: lastname-3poems.docx.

  • Up to three photographs in .jpg or .png format, up to 25 MB total, attached to an email including your name and the titles of your photos. Please include your last name and the photo’s title in the filename, as follows: lastname-phototitle.jpg.

  • The Poetry Distillery publishes poems sown in the Poetry Barn's workshops, mentorship engagements, readings, and events. In your submission, please tell us how your poem is connected to The Poetry Barn.


Please submit your best work to, by August 30, using the subject line: “E-chapbook Submission.”


Click here for an example of our e-chapbook format.


Ryan Clinesmith and Rachel Darke look forward to your best work!