The Poetry Distillery is The Poetry Barn’s literary journal. Established in 2018, we harvest a diverse sampling of some the most exciting poems generated in our community, working closely with our authors to distill their poems to perfection as an extension of the workshop process.

Under the Surface

On a summer evening, 


in its casual radiance   

of which we are 

not yet aware,


security cameras 

in the parking garage, 

bank, coffee shop, 

& liquor store 

record our

dinner party 


to our parked cars 

as we stroll 

through an

intersection where, 

six hours later,


a crime scene

blooms when

a college girl

walks in our wake,

turns the same corner, 


& vanishes 

without leaving 

so much as 

a strand

of her blond hair.


Our evening,

the next morning, 

is reframed 

through a lens 

of danger. 

Cruising the block

for what looked like 

a parking spot, 

that old red 

Chevrolet pickup truck


was maybe a predator 

from a distance circling 

us. At the restaurant, 

the lanky gentleman 

who held the door 

could have been

sizing us up,



terrible possibilities.

Like a calm, reflective 

lake mirroring 

a clear blue sky

as a dragonfly

skims the surface

after a drowning,

the world 

swallowed her


without a ripple

in the morning light. 

Joseph Kerschbaum’s most recent publications include Midnight Sunrise (Main Street Rag Press, 2024) and Mirror Box (Main St Rag Press, 2020). His recent work has appeared in Reunion: The Dallas Review, Hamilton Stone Review, and The Inflectionist Review. Joseph lives in Bloomington, Indiana with his family.


Whitehall Lake